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2958   3 years ago
Thunder | 37 subscribers
2958   3 years ago
Set during the 2nd World War, small town girl Lili (Marina Montero) aspires to be a singer. She goes to a cabaret for an audition. Instead the boss of the cabaret is more interested in her body than her singing. She leaves the cabaret in a huff and on the street she is consoled by Madam Kitty (Baby Nielsen) who is passing by in her chauffeured driven car. Madam Kitty offers Lili a job as a maid in her brothel. Lili is surprised by the posh brothel and the beautiful elegantly dressed whores entertaining their rich clients from barons, counts to soldiers. Lili tells Madam Kitty that she wants to a whore like those girls and Madam Kitty begins to train her to be a whore. Lili's first client is a young soldier named Alberto (Francesco Malcolm) whom Lili finds out is a piano player and versatile singer. Alberto and Lili fall in love with each other with Alberto promising to take her out of the brothel to marry her. Before that can happen, Alberto is suddenly called to the frontlines where the war is raging. Can Alberto survive the war and come back to marry Lili?